Strong support on the campaign trail as big hitters join the fight in Hemel

Over the last few days, Labour candidate David Taylor has been joined by Ruth Cadbury and Feargal Sharkey as he criss-crosses Hemel to campaign for change.

Today, Ruth Cadbury - Labour’s candidate for Brentford & Isleworth - joined David to talk to voters in Boxmoor. And yesterday, local activists were out and about with David in Bennetts End.

David Taylor and Ruth Cadbury out campaigning in Boxmoor

David Taylor and activists campaigning in Bennetts End

Back on 22nd, music legend Feargal Sharkey came to show his support for cleaning up British waterways. His visit came as new research showed a 175% increase in the number of times sewage has been let out into the Grand Union Canal by Thames Water's Berkhamsted sewage works.

Feargal Sharkey visiting Hemel to campaign for waterway improvements.


Battle Bus brings Deputy Labour Leader Angela Rayner to Hemel Hempstead