Shadow Health and Social Care Secretary outlines plans for better health services

Wes Streeting, Labour’s Shadow Health and Social Care Secretary, today visited Bennetts End GP Surgery with David Taylor. After meeting local family doctors, they spoke about Labour’s plans to change healthcare for the better.

Wes Streeting said:

“Here, and right across the country, we know that the NHS is going through the worse crisis in its history, and Labour has a plan to tackle it.

“Like 40,000 more appointments every week - evenings and weekends - to cut record-high waiting lists. Like training up 8,500 more mental health workers to cut the mental health waiting list. And mental health support in every primary and secondary school in the community.”

The pair also discussed Labour’s plans for 700,000 more dentists and heard how local Labour Councillor, Pete Hannell, has been working with Bennetts End GP Surgery to promote social prescribing, such as health walks for older people.

Find out more about Labour’s plans for the NHS.


Building an NHS fit for the future: our plans to change healthcare for the better


Shadow Environment Secretary promotes Labour’s manifesto for change